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'AI & the 3 B's'

AI – artificial intelligence is dominating humanity in more ways than most people could imagine.

Whilst properly used, AI can be a wonderful asset to human Civilisation.

The problem however, is that those within the power elites’ circles, with access to this technology, its development and application within society, often lack the moral integrity to handle such a potentially useful, but also potentially catastrophically devastating tool – whose negative impact on human Civilisation, improperly used - would far outweigh the destructive power of ‘nuclear weapons.’

Given the present political and social situation, where AI is being ‘rolled out’ without regard and/or with the consent of Humanity – we would all do well to be aware of this insidious danger.

Humans do not operate solely algorithmically – the ‘rationale’ for our existence and its logic/reasoning – is far more nuanced and superior (in my human opinion) – to the 0 - 1 ‘binary logic’ of AI. Therefore, what is to be done?

We can start, in the following manner;

(1) ‘BREAK THE ALGORITHMS’ (the algorithmic power of AI over Human Intelligence (HI))

This is developing/maintaining an awareness of AI technology – in all aspects of our lives but in particular when it comes to the exercising of ‘choice’ – ‘choice’ after all, is what is at the ‘heart of freewill.’ Therefore, we should be aware when this choice is being supplanted either openly – directly or obliquely – disguised.


By ‘Breaking the algorithms’ (the algorithmic power of AI over HI) – we automatically break the programs, we are continually being conditioned into by the ‘algorithmic manipulation’ of our choice.

The beauty and power of this strategy is that, it is a solution conducted at the individual level – yes you do have the power to free yourself! - By simply being aware of the processes of conditioning/programming, which are taking place - by AI, and/or any other social construct, be it individual or institution.

(3) ‘BREAK FREE!!!’

When the ‘programs’ (whether you are aware of their operation or not) are broken – We are FREE!!!!

Finally – it is wise to remember – this is not a diatribe against AI – AI is simply a tool, like a knife or even a gun – which may be used for good or ill by the user – in this sense it is the user that is culpable for any ill caused. Therefore, we must always be aware that ultimately it is our responsibility - on the ‘individual level’ - for what occurs at the societal level.

© 2018 Science Of The Immortals (SOTI)


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