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© 02.11.2021 SOTI Collected Works, Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja
"...You already know of our involvement in your Planet, Planet Earth - and so I will use my conversations over the 'Meta-Mediumistic Facility' to shed some insight into our involvement with Planet Earth. You see although the records may show that we have left Planet Earth, that would not be a completely true statement.
Our 'symbols,' our 'cultures' and 'traditions' and even some of our people remain fully embedded in your civilisations. If you are able to decipher properly, many of the symbols that are still extant in your civilisations, you will be able to unravel not just the truth about yourselves, but the truth about your Inter-Galactic brothers and sisters. Let me give you a simple example for starters, which hopefully will benefit many of your readers.
For example the number "7" is much known in many of your civilisations and cultures as a special kind of number - indicating 'Perfection' of the 'human form' or 'human Body Suit.' With the number "6" being - the number of a man - you will find this in at least one of your Holy books, known as The Holy Bible (Revelations 13:18, KJV) and so we can see by the '1-Unit Step,' the 'progression' or 'evolution' of 'Human Consciousness' - from the number "6" to "7."
All advanced civilisations use what you would term some kind of 'mathematics' to explain and document the most profound aspects of their civilisation and culture. But just as there are 'species' of 'Individual Consciousness' (IC) you know by the terms 'Extra-Terrestrials,' 'Aliens' and 'Higher Intelligences' - there are many species of mathematics and 'The Science Of Abstract Consciousness' is just one such species of mathematics. Please note that this particular species of mathematics known as 'The Science Of Abstract Consciousness' was not indigenous to Planet Earth.
Its particular feature is that unlike most mathematics of the indigenous sort on Planet Earth, it was principally concerned with the concept of 'meaning.' The indigenous mathematics of the time prior to the revelations contained in The Science Of Abstract Consciousness, were concerned with meaning - in that, through an understanding of 'number,' 'geometry' / 'space' and 'patterns' - this 'non-indigenous mathematics' strove through 'abstraction' to understand the 'dimensional space-time,' with which it was concerned.
It was dealing with Consciousness and therefore ultimately dealing with meaning - but the discipline of mathematics had by the 20th century become so 'skewed' and removed from the original 'concept' and 'understanding' of its originators - Babylonians, Ancient Egyptians, The Greeks - and so forth, a profound record of which was contained in a work known as Euclidean Geometry. The 'meaning aspect' as a study of Consciousness, was obscured. Those such as Pythagoras sought to reintroduce it, through their cults and secret societies - and to a degree they succeeded - but mathematics slowly and inexorably became the language of a few - and thus a new 'Priesthood of Mathematics' was created and thus the Minds of the populace in this field, especially if one has regard for your times (circa 21st century) - are largely devoid of any true understanding of mathematics. - With mathematics being the preserve of the 'Super Computer' and the dedicated 'priest of mathematics' whose temple was a 'single aspect' within the field of mathematics, which very few humans could understand or comprehend. In other words, it became so highly specialised that the human Mind was now largely unable to grasp - let alone, 'dispute' or 'prove' the 'content of its field.' It is a given, that these 'Super Computers' and projected 'Quantum Computers,' will now be the determinators of meaning on Planet Earth.
But this cannot be so and the Inter-Galactic Community, will not permit that to happen - for how can the 'bio-organic element' (DNA) be subject to the 'synthetic aspect' of Creation (Logic and Code.) Whilst perfectly they should work together with one occasionally giving way to the other, the latter cannot dominate the former, otherwise you will get 'dystopian civilisations' - a dystopian world, which may have meaning - but not 'meaningful meaning,' which characterises the bio-organic evolution - or in other words - Humanity.
That The Science Of Abstract Consciousness is a form of mathematics, is beyond dispute, as far as we Inter-Galactic Communities are concerned. For through its axiomatic division of Consciousness into 'Structure' and 'Content' - it is equivalent in that arrangement to the 'xy structure' of the algebraic system, which underpins your algebraic equations - the differential calculus and most developments in higher mathematics. Now back to some symbolism.
So the "7" is perfection and other numbers speak of 'Inter-Galactic evolution' which is currently taking place.
(Oh is that the time - we must wrap this up)
The "8" is us (Anunaki / Nibiru.)
The "9" are the Arcturians.
The "10" are the Dravidians.
And the story will start again.
- I will have to leave you now, we shall continue these messages - I hope you find them interesting."
(See SOTI Collected Works, 'Messages - Lord Anu' - Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja.)